2024-2025 Faculty and Staff

We are a team of educators who are striving to “do school” differently. We are lifelong learners, committed to professional growth and development, and we want to do what is best for students based on current academic research. We strive to see each child as a person made in God's image, and we try to do what is best for him or her while balancing the needs of the whole class.
We are highly qualified for our roles. All K-8 teachers whole a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree. Approximately half of our team also holds a Master's Degree. All of our teachers are certified or eligible for a teaching certificate and must maintain their teaching eligibility in their specific discipline.
Our faculty, staff, and volunteers are background checked with an FDLE Level 2 VECHS background check as well as checks for discipline against educator licenses and with the Bureau of Educator Certification.
We want to honor our students’ families and the important role that parents must play in their child’s education. We recognize that our students are whole people with full lives that extend outside of the school day, and we strive to help our students and their families achieve a balanced lifestyle.
We do all these things for the glory of God and out of true love for our Savior.
Mrs. Sunny Fuller, K4
Mrs. Lauren Hurley, K5
Mrs. Cindy Santarelli, First Grade
Ms. Skylar Simon, Second Grade
Mrs. Ruth Kishov, Third Grade
Mrs. Emye Sanchez, Fourth Grade
Mrs. Jennifer Velderman, 5th Grade and Cultivate
Mrs. Brittany Medeiros, 5th Grade and SOAR
Mrs. Ana Buda, Middle School Math
Mr. Hansel Vedrine, Middle School History, Science, Bible, STEM
Ms. Victoria Rose, Middle School English and Bible
Mr. Franco Gustave, Middle School Math, Science and Bible
Mr. Kevin, Security
Mrs. Kaela Alfaro, Front Office
Mrs. Lily Najarro, Student Services Coordinator
Mrs. Sarah Taylor, Technology Coach, 5th Grade
Mr. Bart Sheldrake, Athletic Director and Operations
Mrs. Natasha Smith, Academic Coordinator
Mrs. Megan Polidan, Admissions and Communications Coordinator
Mrs. Jennifer Mathews, Head of School